K I N G   I S L A N D   D A I RY 


King Island is a tiny speck in the Great Southern Ocean, situated south of Melbourne at the Western end of Bass Strait, the strait between mainland Australia and Tasmania. King Island is a haven - pollution and chemical free. 
The quality of the pasture and clean environment, combined with a year round growing season, enables the dairy farmers on King Island to practice traditional methods. There is no need for the feed supplements that others must rely on. 
The cows of King Island are reputed to produce the sweetest milk in the land and from this milk comes a range of dairy products acknowledged throughout Australia and rapidly earning the same sort of reputation in the international marketplace. All King Island Dairy products are made on the Island using fresh King Island milk collected daily from 23 farms.

F E A T U R E D   C H E E S E S 

Roaring Forties Blue

A full flavored blue with a sweet, slightly nutty character and good aftertaste. A rindless cheese matured in wax thus retaining its moisture and creating a smooth and creamy texture. A Roquefort style mould is used to create this unique and exiting cheese style.
Awards: Silver Medal (DIAA)-1995; Silver Medal RAS Melb – 1999; Champion Blue – 1999 Aust. Grand Dairy Awards 

Endeavour Blue 

A traditional gorgonzola style cheese with a soft creamy texture and a full bodied blue flavor. The most complex of blue cheeses made on King Is.
AWARDS: Champion Cheese-1994 Royal Sydney Show; Silver Medal (DIAA)-1995; Gold Medal - RAS Sydney 1997; 1998 Applied Technical Products Perpetual trophy; Gold Medal - RAS Tasmania – 1999; Gold Medal - Australian Specialist Cheesemakers Cheese Show 1999; Gold Medal - RAS Sydney 2000; Australian Cheeseboard Selection - RAS Sydney 2000

Lighthouse Blue Brie

A delicately distinctive cheese with textured white mould and a rich creamy center. The blue mould gradually matures developing a more piquant flavor with age. AWARDS: Gold Medal, RAS Sydney 1999

Stormy Washed Rind

A traditional washed rind cheese with a wild aroma and a surprisingly soft and mild interior with a subtle flavor.
AWARDS:Gold Medal (DIAA)-1995; Silver Medal (RAS)-1996; Champion Cheese (DIAA)-1996 ; Silver Medal (DIAA)-1999; Champion Washed Rind – Aust. Grand Dairy Awards 1999

Stokes Point Smoked Cheddar

A traditionally made cheddar matured for 9 months and then smoked with Tasmanian hardwood. The golden rind is created during smoking which acts as a natural preservative.
AWARDS: Gold Medal (DIA); Gold Medal Melbourne Show; Gold Medal RAS - Sydney 1999; Silver Medal RAS - Sydney 2000; Silver Medal - World Championship Cheese Awards - Wisconsin USA 2000

South Cape fresh cheese -  Herb & Garlic; Pepper

Fresh handmade cheeses rolled in mixed herbs & garlic or pepper.

Timboon Farmhouse Organic Camembert

An organic cheese produced on a bio-dynamic farm nestled in and idyllic spot outside the town of Timboon, in Western Victoria, Australia. Timboon Farmhouse cheeses have been producing a range fo fresh, soft & semi hard cheeses for over 25 years.
F O R   I N F O R M A T I O N   &   O R D E R I N G :
telephone (tollfree):    1-877-930-CUSA